Short Overview

This is a brief overview of the mentioned division. Please read the full text below if you are planning to compete in this division.

Full Text

Click on the segments below to read our sports regulations. Participating in a NCOBB/ICN Belgium event means you agree and will respect these regulations.

Note: The minimum age is 16 years old. The age on the day of competition is decisive.

Note: Use of subcategories is dependent on the amount of athlete registrations of the category, the use of subcategories will be announced when the timetable for the competition is released (after the pre-registration deadline).

First timer: You have never competed before in any federation. You are entering your first contest; therefore, you are only a First Timer once in your life. However, you can enter multiple divisions on the day of your first contest.

Open: two sub-categories of minus and plus 75kg (weighed on day of competition).

Overall: All winners from the above (sub)categories are put into this category to decide the best athlete of the division in a competition. The athlete does not have to register for this category himself and is free of charge.

PRO: NCOBB/ICN Belgium does not host PRO shows at the moment. All PRO athletes are automatically signed up in the Overall category. Please contact when you are a PRO athlete looking to compete in our shows.

The Classic Physique category is a throwback to the ‘Golden Era” of Bodybuilding. It represents the epitome of health and fitness in the art form. The Classic Physique is a picture of flawless symmetry, perfectly sculptured muscle groups that fight each other for dominance, creating a balanced and complete physique. 

Classic Physique has broad shoulders accompanied by a small waist, round balanced quads. The physical differences between Classic Physique and Bodybuilding are minimal, the presentation creates the difference in judging.

Apart from the distinguishing physical features, a Classic Physique competitor is a master poser. Classic posing requires confidence, grace, and balance. Each pose is deliberate in highlighting the strengths of a physique. Transitions are smooth and theatrical in executions but not exaggerated or arrogant. 

Symmetry = posing > conditioning > muscularity

(Symmetry is most favourably judged, together with the Classic presentation, followed by conditioning and lastly the athlete’s muscle mass.)

Classic Physique should have a polished overall look and effortless posing. This includes the stand, posing, transitions, self-confidence and overall presentation.

  • Athletes wear Classic Posing Trunks:
      • Black colour. Normal fabric or ‘wetlook’
      • Shiny glitter effect is not allowed
      • Side width of the trunks is between 6-15cm
    • Jewelry and piercings are allowed but without excess.
    • Athlete number must always be visible at the left side of the waist and on the back.

N.B After inspection of the posing attire at the registration, any objection will automatically result in disqualification of the athlete if no remediation is possible before the start of the contest (first category of the day).

Athletes of the same category present themselves backstage in their competition outfit. 

Under the direction of the stage director all the athletes of the same category come on stage. The stage director presents each athlete in ascending order of athlete number.

Under the orders of the stage director, after presentation at the back of the stage, and having advanced on the comparison/judgment line, the athletes perform:

A quarter turn to the right so as to appear in profile, then again a quarter turn to the right so as to stand facing the judges, then a quarter turn to the right to present their other profile, and finally the athletes finish with a last quarter turn to regain face to face position with the judges. 

Depending on the number of athletes a new order of numbers can be made. All athletes perform all (or several) quarter turns again in the new order of athlete numbers. After being put back in the original order of the athlete numbers, the athletes are aligned in the background. This ends the first round.

Note that these are different from Men Bodybuilding division! Athletes will be sanctioned in points who fail to respect the specific poses of Classic Physique division.

  • Personal posing routine 
  • Duration: maximum of 90 seconds.
  • Free choice of music.
  • Same outfit as the other rounds.
  • No accessories allowed (costumes, attributes)

International ICN contests may differ in the inclusion of an individual posing round.

Music can be sent beforehand in .mp3 format to (with name, category of athlete and when to start music (before or on podium). We advise you to send one e-mail for every category you participate in where individual music can be prepared. Athletes can choose to let their music be played before they step up on stage, or when they’re standing ready on stage. This is decided in the e-mail sent beforehand.

Sending in your individual music has to be done before the official athlete registration deadline. The athlete will have to pay a late registration fee (+25EUR per category) when music is sent in after this deadline. The athlete will receive a confirmation if the individual music is valid for competition by e-mail.

  • Athletes who present no music (or not valid) will perform their second round on music selected by the DJ.
  • Athletes who do not perform an individual posing routine will be sanctioned with points.

Below an example of a personal posing routine.

After the second round, the line up is once again formed on the backline of the stage in ascending athlete numbers. All athletes are moved to the front of the stage, the stage presenter will call for 6 mandatory poses. Front classic bicep, Side Classic Chest (preferred side), Back Classic Bicep,  Side Classic Tricep (preferred side), Classic abdominals and lastly a preferred Classic pose (see below)

Note that these muscularity poses are judged to look for the specific Men Classic Physique  judging criteria and should differ in presentation from Bodybuilding or Physique muscularity poses.

MUSCULARITY ROUND: 6 poses in total (In this order: Front Bicep Classic Pose, Side Chest Classic pose, Back Bicep Classic pose, Side Tricep Classic pose, Abdominals Classic pose). Variations are allowed, but no muscularity poses from bodybuilding division!

MUSCULARITY ROUND: Pose #6 is a variation of any classic era pose which can be a Victory Pose, Vacuum, Praying Mantis, a ¾ Double Bicep, Crouched Double Bicep(see below))

At the end of the third round (muscularity round), comparisons by 3 can then be requested by the judges in order to better estimate the athletes’ physique and refine the ranking. Requests for comparisons will be made by the head of the jury table. The comparisons of these 3 athletes will be with the same poses as the third round (muscularity round).

After the judges have asked for call-outs, 1 minute of free posing is offered to all athletes on stage. The posedown is competitive, but friendly in nature, overly aggressive behaviour will be sanctioned by the jury.

Image below: Posedown! 1 minute of free posing for all athletes together on stage!